The flash I was planning to make is now halted till further notice, I'm sick of insults and I don't feel like making flash anymore but I'm still up for drawing your favorite game chars to the ebst of my abilities. Sincerly FlashStepFlame.
P.S. you faggots that think cause I'm thirteen I don't know what I'm doing, fuck you. Can you make skins for games like Wc3 doubt it, can you make triggers on Wc3 maps? Doubt it... so know what fuck you.
Wow. just cause people are mean ur going to stop ur flash?? You say u aint thirteen u act like one! I m not trying to be mean but ur are acting like a child.
And yes a thirteen can do all those things. Any ways people are aways going to be mean! just get over it!
No, its just they constantly justgo at me man... plus I'm having problems at home at the moment so I'm just trying to do someting.